
Hello Dears,
How are you doing? I'm doing quite well, though I'm a little bogged down right now with so much school work to finish up this week. *a little on that at Miripoo's chit chat* =)
Which is why I haven't been keeping up with my posts. :S *sigh .... well, hopefully I'll be able to make them a little more scheduled and stable. ..... ..... ............... speaking of stable! Let me tell you a little about stable octets and ionic bonding! LOL Did you know that, In order to achieve a stable octet, a chlorine atom must either donate 7 electrons to another atom, accept 1 electron from another atom, or share electrons with another atom? Why yes! It's so true! But wait: If chlorine reacts with a metal, the chlorine atom accepts an electron, becomes an ion, and forms a compound consisting of ions joined by an ionic bond. Totally awesome! :D Er, I've been kinda doing a lot of Chemistry. But, I do love it, though I don't understand quite everything.

Anyways, I don't have a whole lot to say this time but that I really want to ask for prayer. I would like us to start really spending time praying for each other. The Devil has been really attacking me lately and making it very hard for me to focus on God. But I think that's the case with all of us. I mean, the world will never make time for you to spend with Jesus. And the Devil certainly will use anything to get our minds off of God. When we finally do get past all of the distractions and sit down with Him, the Devil attacks our thoughts and we just can't get past the barrier of fog.
Well, I'm sick of it! I want to get close to Jesus and have such a close fellowship with Him! I was at Bible study the other night and my brother was talking about the close relationship that God wants to have with us. Actually, it was really, really,really neat and eye-opening, so if you want me to send you a copy of it I will! I want you to read it!

Anyways, I just want each of us to pray for each other and I'll pray for you, because we REALLY need the support. Ah, I just found some verses that perfectly sum it up. :
" For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.
We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." ~ 2Cor.10:3-5

Wow, the beginning tells that we are not waring with any earthly thing, but with the supernatural; and the end is so encouraging and victorious! Our thoughts are under submission to us through Jesus! So when you sit down to spend time with God and your thoughts get in the way, just say aloud," Devil, get out of my thoughts in the name of Jesus. You are under God's authority and must obey Him." Yay! we don't have to let our mind win! We don't have to let the Devil win! Yay! Thank you Lord!

Please pray for each other! Love you lot's and God bless!
Your sister in Christ, Miriam


Anonymous said...

well, I find your writting so interesting, i can kinda get into your head a little bit, and its cool, I lov e getting to know people, and what better way to do that than to read their personnal blog.

Also if you still have a copy of it id love to be able to read the study.

Im so totally sick of satan too! I would love to be your prayer partner and we can pray for everyone we can think of, as well as each other, and i think it will help both of us grow closer to God, after all you can never be too close to God.

With His love, John

P.S. two things 1) your family is super cool 2) you really like taking pictures too dont you? lol

Anonymous said...

ohhh, I forgot, You have an amazing singing voice, and I really hope to get to hang with you and your fam. again real soon. It was a blast! maybe I can become the SDDR (Super Dee-Duper Rhodie)(sp?)

With so much of His love, John

Miriam Petrofsky said...

Hey John,
Yes, I can get you a copy! I was just looking for it to send to you but...the time and date on this blog are not accurate so when I was looking for Seth's Bible study it wasn't in the right place, ...I think I found the right one though. And another one that I really like, so I'll send you that, too. Oh! You're coming up with us to Maine this weekend aren't you? So I'll just get them to you then. =) Also, I would appreciate a prayer partner! Thanks! :) So I'll start tonight.

Yes, I do love taking pics. :D Er, could you tell by the above post of Montreal pics? lol

SDDR, that's awesome! I think it's kinda catchy. :D
In Christ, Miriam