
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to encourage you all to spend time with Jesus tonight! I just spent some time sitting with Him and reading my Bible, and let me tell you, it is the most refreshing thing! Can you believe, that out of the imagination of the God of the universe, came this flowering tree? It's so delicate and has such a perfume... it just never ceases to amaze me. :) And I was just thinking about how I'm in such a rush to get pictures of all of the beautiful spring flowers as if they were never coming again...but the reality is that we get to enjoy these things for all eternity!

However, this also makes me have such an urgency to tell others about it. We do get to enjoy the sweetness of God's presence and the things He has created for all eternity...but doesn't it make you sad that so many millions of people don't share our joy? They don't have this beautiful future to look forward to. So start thinking about the beauty of God's nature and get out and tell people about Him! You'll get lot's of flack, but don't you think it's worth it? The one or two that do listen will be standing with you in heaven praising our Father. :)
Love you lot's and lot's and I'll keep praying for strength for you and you please do the same for me. =) God bless you!

your sister in Christ, Miriam
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Anonymous said...

Its so true, spending time with God is so refreshing, I wish I would allow myself more time for it, I always seems to "busy" what an awful state to be in, being too busy for the very one who created me... Thats one thing I love about the various Bible studies I go to, is the fact that its time with God. However i still want more time with him individually, and in smaller groups.

God's creation is TRUELY amazing! I also am astounded everyday as I walk in the woods behind my house! all the colors and shapes! What an imagination he mist have, and we call ourselves creative. Its measly, and puny in comparison to God's creativity, well after all he is the original creator! I really enjoyed the worship part of the night, I felt like I could really focus on God!

Me and my best friend John, as well as some other friends were behind Target cause we had gone to see a movie, and were walking around the shopping mall. I got the brillent idea to go into the woods next to the Target. I found some of the most intense beauty I had seen in nature in a while. you might have seen the pictures, maybe not, but I found this one lonely flower in the middle of a little hollow.

Here is the link to my web album, which has all the pictures. now you can see them up close!


With His love, John

P.S. I was telling my sister about the Bible study, and for some reason she kept on thinking that your name was Penny, I have absolutely no idea why, but I found it fantastically funny, and thought I'd share.

Miriam Petrofsky said...

Ahhh, I know what you mean. Just walking around the back yard of my Grandparents' home in Connecticut is just amazing. I mean, they do happen to have one of the nicest yards you'll find, but all the same. =) There's a dogwood tree just in front of a weeping willow and to the side is a lilac bush and behind it all are these huge bushes and expanses of bright red and bright pink and together they just make the most beautiful sight. I've tried to capture it on my camera a few times which I'll have to put on here for everybody to see. But pictures can't really capture it! Anyway, everything is soooo amazing! I was just thinking today about the colors God came up with and the different kinds of rocks and trees and animals...(a squirrel came up near me while I was having prayer time and it just was so neat)
In Christ, Miriam
P.S. That is funny that I could be a Penny...actually, that's the name of the main character of the books Seth and I are writing.=)

Anonymous said...

we have an amazing lilac bush behind our trailor, and it produces the most fragrant flowers, and what lovely hues or purple! every week I go out and collect some to put in our kitchen, it makes our whole house smell so sweet, especially on the warmer days (not that we've had many). Thats also is very true, God's creation is so amazing that technology can never really capture it.

one day I would love to be able to read what you write. I really like to write too, and to read, and so It would be super cool if maybe we could exchange stories sometime.

With His love, Always, John

Hope to see you sometime soon!

Anonymous said...

well I have yet another comment for you, I never seem to catch you while youre online, but... you have inspired me. I have started my own blog. I hope you dont mind, I stole part of your URL. http://johnnybsfriends.blogspot.com/
is my link. Feel free to check it out, and let me know what you think.

With His love, John

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Miriam Petrofsky said...

Eek! I didn't mean to delete that! At least I do have a copy...but still! Sorry! =(