Praise God! These next pictures are from our time in Annapolis at the City Dock and wow, God did so many miracles to make it possible to play there! The testimonies would really take up at least half of my blog page... so I'll only say a couple of the miracles. :)
Okay, so the day we arrived at my Aunt and Uncle's house in Annapolis, the weather was pretty yucky. It was cold, windy, raining... we went to check out the dock area and could hardly even stand out there because of the cold and everything... it was really perfect sickness weather... then it poured rain all night long. The next morning (day we were going to play) it was still pouring rain and the forecast was for rain all day and the next few days, and gosh did it ever look it! The clouds were so thick and heavy. So we waited and prayed until we just had to go down to the dock in time to set up (concert was at 2 o'clock). Well, we noticed as soon as we stepped out of the camper that God had warmed up the temperature [!], but it was still pouring and really blustery out. So we kept praying in the camper and... one thing that we were praying specifically for... was that we felt like God was going to preserve the city of Annapolis in the coming judgement on America... so we prayed that He would pour out His Holy Spirit upon that city, bringing holiness and repentance, and that He would indeed preserve it through the end times. So we asked that if God had heard and would answer, that He would completely stop the rain, calm the wind and the waves, and open up the clouds so that the sun would shine. Well, the rain stopped enough for us to go out and set up. We started the show and by the second set, God not only had stopped the wind and brought the sun out, but there was not a single cloud in the sky and we actually got sunburned! WOW haha it was awesome! And... even more importantly... a real statement of God, promising to preserve Annapolis... so it was really an awesome testimony.
So praise God! =)
These pictures are of that time and our walking tour around the city led by our uncle Jim... some of them (I admit) are a bit random, but I didn't post half of the pictures that were really to random to even justify! ;)
God bless you!!
In Christ, Miriam
P.S. After we finished it rained for the next few days solid!!!